Wednesday, June 1, 2011


What a morning!  Showed up early and we got right to work on the fields.  I'm so excited to see it all come together.  Last year when I started with Joel the fields were already for planting and had in fact had some planting done.  This year I am able to see the very beginnings of the planting season here on the farm. 

So I spent most of the morning following the tractor while it was tilling and pulling out large rocks with a three pronged thingy cultivator sonuva gun pictured below.

Joel would be tilling along and then BANG BANG!! The friggin tiller would jump about a foot in the air and I knew he found a blue ribbon winner. 

Ya so check out this pic of a filthy back buster we found.  This was in one of Joel's newest fields he is planting for the first time this year.

Hopefully by Friday we are looking at using his bed maker and laying down some plastic mulch.  The tilling is almost done.  He has to complete a drainage ditch in one field first before he can till it- so that is holding us up a little bit. 

before tilling

                                                                 after tilling

Above are before and after pics of one of his newest fields we tilled this morning.  Joel tells me this field was the worst he had ever seen when he started working it years ago.  He took the soil from a dry dead dusty mess to the rich fertile ground you see above in a matter of 3 years with compost and nutrients. Pretty incredible results when you think about it.  Look at how black and beautiful the soil is.  I grabbed a handful and it was just like velvet.  Anyone walking through this field in a couple months better be careful because what ever is growing here will reach out a grab you!

A vid of the tilling going on this morning.  Tomorrow I'm hoping to get some shots of the bed maker he uses to create raised bed style rows.  Thanks for reading!