Anyone who knows me would affirm that my knowledge base doesn't include anything remotely close to what you would need to run a farm however, I have decided that my true calling in life is not an urban desk jockey but rather a diversified organic farmer. Some say that I am crazy (some including my wife who I'm quite sure is still hoping that this is a fad I'm going through) others will applaud the dream...
I have always been interested in farming, but never had the opportunity to do it until now. In June 2010 I was introduced, by a friend of mine, to a local farmer who specializes in organic vegetables, grass fed beef, pastured poultry, pigs and sheep. This farmer was looking for some help and I was more than eager to offer up my services.
The deal: I will show up in the morning for a few hours to help around the farm before I head into my office job. I will do this as close to 7 days a week as my current schedule will allow. My pay?: knowledge. Now, for someone who has spent tens of thousands on college I am aware of the cost of a good education so, I am more than willing to offer up my services a few hours in the morning in return for a good hands on education in farming....
This blog will chronicle my journey...I hope you will follow along with me.