For the first few weeks my farm duties were limited pretty much to planting and weeding. Occasionally I got a break because the pigs would get out or some other emergency arose. "That's Farming" Joel would say. "You never know what's gonna happen when your farming". So I would get a break from the planting to help round them up(another first for me: pigs!)...again, Joel mentioned to me the importance of good fences...also, move the pigs more often so they have fresh pasture to root and graze on.
"Those pigs are so strong that they can uproot boulders that I need to use my excavator to move" Joel told me.
"So why don't they just get out right now?" I asked.
"Cause there is food in there to satisfy them at the moment but, they will when the food runs out" Joel said.
Joel's pigs are pastured (meaning they graze on open ground). He has a portable set up and moves it every week or two depending on the resources available (stuff for the pigs to eat). The pigs are so strong that they pretty much can leave whenever they want just by uprooting the fencing with their snouts. If Joel get's busy with something else the pigs will quietly remind him it's time to move by escaping to greener pasture!