What a weekend! Visited the Common Ground Fair Friday and Sunday. The fair, located in Unity, ME, is a celebration of rural life featuring local agriculture, artistry and craftsmen all on display. Three days of events and seminars on everything to do with sustainable living. I had a blast and cannot wait until next year. MOFGA (Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association) puts on the fair every year and does a spectacular job with it's legions of generous volunteers. For anyone interested in local sustainable agriculture this is a must attend event.
I spent a great deal of the two days just wondering the fairgrounds taking in all the local music, food, wares and many gardens MOFGA has set up on the grounds. I watched livestock demonstrations and toured the many barns and structures filled with all different types of animals. One of the main reasons I did attend was for the draft animal seminars. I am very interested in using draft animals someday on my own farm and found the draft animal basics and low impact logging with draft animals portions of the fair very helpful. I enjoyed them very much. I want to expand my knowledge of draft animals so I plan on taking MOFGA'S low impact logging course in November!