Thursday, September 9, 2010

the green egg laying nonconformist!

Walking up the road towards the back pasture this morning I noticed an egg layer had gotten out and was about 40 yards away hanging out with the turkeys..I sent a text message to the farmer asking if he wanted me to catch it.  He called me shortly after and told me I could try and catch it but it probably wasn't going to happen.  He said he'd been trying to catch it for over a year and a half!  My untrained eyes had mistaken the egg layer for one of the Golden comets Joel has laying eggs for him.

However, this bird was an Araucana

now I know your asking yourself how I got the two confused..well from 40 yards away at 5 in the morning I swear they looked similar...

The Araucana is the free spirit of the farm.  She usually can be found inside the pig pen waiting patiently for the pigs to do some rooting and then she moves in to grab the worms.  Joel showed me where she lays her eggs and if I didn't see it with my own eyes I wouldn't have believed it but, she lays green eggs and nitrate-free ham anyone?